We buy any car alternative

Compare offers from our network of 100's of dealers for free

Comparing Offers with Honk Honk
is Fast, Easy and Free

We only work with the very best, approved dealers and buyers

Same Day payments
Our dealers pay you for your car the same day they collect it
Compare Offers
We work with 100's of approved dealers who make competing offers for your car
Instant Offers
We also work with leading online car buyers who'll provide you with instant offers
Customer Service
Our in house, experienced, customer service team will help you list your car and sell it for a great price

Why we're a good alternative to we buy any car

1 - Compare Offers: We Buy Any Car only offer 1 price for your car. At Honk Honk we showcase your car to a network of competing dealers allowing you to compare multiple prices.

2 - Convenient Pickup Service: With Honk Honk, you don't have to worry about transportation after the sale. Our dealers come to you to pick up your car, saving you the hassle and expense of arranging transportation home.

3 - Extensive Nationwide Reach: Honk Honk has a vast network of 100's of dealers across the country. Selling with us means tapping into a wider market, increasing your chances of finding the right buyer.

4 - Deal Direct: Once WBAC buys your car they transport it to an auction house where it is stored and then offered to dealers at an inflated price. With Honk Honk we connect you directly to dealers which removes the inefficiencies in the process and can improve the price you're offered.

5 - Free Same Day Payment: Our dealers will pay you the same day they collect the car for free whereas We Buy Any Car will charge you a fee .

Don't settle for less when selling your car.
Choose Honk Honk, where you are connected to a network of reputable car dealers eager to offer you a fair price. Embrace the power of direct communication and sell your car with confidence. Join Honk Honk today and experience a seamless, rewarding, and transparent car selling journey!